
Music & Concert Concierge Services

Our music and concert concierge services are specialised event planning services that cater to the needs of music enthusiasts. Our service provides custom-made experiences that meet your specific needs, whether that means VIP tickets to a completely sold out event or access to an exclusive event.
A group of people at a lively party.

How does our music & concert concierge service work?

Our service is all about providing clients with a personalised experience. We start by understanding your preferences and requirements, including the event or experience you’re looking to attend.
Once we have this information, we will create a customized package that includes everything you’ll need for a seamless and enjoyable experience. This can include arranging for tickets, transportation, accommodation, VIP access to concerts and events and even meeting the artists, perhaps even over dinner. We take care of everything so that you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the music.

Benefits of using our music & concert concierge


Personalised Experiences

We offer personalised experiences that are tailored to meet the needs of our exclusive clientele; you price yourself on enjoying the finer things in life, and we look to deliver that for you. We take the time to understand what you’re looking for, whether that’s something as simple at tickets to a sold-out event to a private meet and greet with the artist or a complete package that has the level of VIP treatment you desire. We then create a customised package that includes everything you need for a seamless and enjoyable experience.


We understand that attending concerts and events can be stressful and time-consuming, especially when it comes to ticketing, travel arrangements, and accommodation. That’s why we take care of everything for you. Our packages include all the necessary travel, accommodation, tickets and VIP access to concerts and events, so that you have a convenient and hassle-free once in a lifetime experience.

VIP Treatment

We are able to provide VIP treatment that takes your experience to the next level. We offer backstage passes, meet-and-greets, and access to exclusive events, allowing you to enjoy the music like never before. Our team will ensure that you receive the ultimate VIP treatment, providing you with memories that will last a lifetime for both you and your loved ones.


Even if you are not sure on the specific artist you are looking to attend the concert of, our team of experts has years of experience in event planning and can give you advice and guidance on the best experiences to have and the best events to attend. We have industry connections and partnerships that enable us to provide access to sold-out events and exclusive experiences that are not available to the public. We are passionate about music and committed to providing you with the best possible experience.

Why Choose Us?

There are several reasons to choose our music and concert concierge service, including:
If you are looking for a once in a lifetime experience with one of your favorite artists, or you would like to treat a loved one to the same, get in touch with us to talk about what you are looking for and we can discuss how we can deliver that for you.
Two CHEFS shaking hands in an office.